The Link Between Inflammation and Heart Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a serious condition caused by the buildup of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels (atherosclerosis), which lead to stroke, heart attack, and peripheral artery disease.
Chest Pain in Women: What Causes It, and When Is It an Emergency?
Chest pain may indicate a heart attack in women and men but have other possible causes, including heart inflammation, a lung infection or blood clot, heartburn, rib fracture, or a painful condition like fibromyalgia.
What to know about cryoablation for AFib
Cryoablation uses extreme cold to destroy heart tissue that causes an irregular heartbeat, intending to restore a regular heart rhythm. Doctors may suggest cryoablation if other treatments do not work.
What an Angiogram Test Reveals
An angiogram is a minimally invasive procedure to identify or confirm artery and vein abnormalities, such as blockages, narrowing, or abnormal connections. The inside of blood vessels is visualized using X-rays taken after a liquid contrast agent is injected into the bloodstream.
Nuclear Stress Tests: Uses, Risks, and Understanding Results
A nuclear stress test is an imaging test that requires you to be injected with a small radioactive tracer that helps doctors determine how well your heart is functioning. The tracer will lose its radioactivity through natural decay in about a day or two.